Minor roof repairs.
Open roof surgery. The chimney breast inside this property was soaking. As usual the only way to fix a leak like this is to take it all apart and start again.
When this property was built approx. 150 years ago the gulley behind the parapet coping stones had good flow but over time the building has settled causing the gulley to lose it’s flow. Consequently the rain water has got into the building under the laps on the lead. The mortar chase for the lead apron in front of the coping stones on the string course has also failed. This has led to damp problems around the windows at the front of the house so serious that the plaster has collapsed. We have stripped out the slates above the laps on the lead in the gulley in order to seal them completely. Next we re-fixed all the slates, replacing any that were broken or damaged. Then we removed the failed mortar from the lead chase & sealed it using polyurethane. Finally we applied a PVA wash to the front of the property & re-pointed the bonds between the Ashlar blocks.