Re-pointing the failed mortar on the water table coping stones at the verges.
Re-pointing the failed mortar on the water table coping stones at the verges.
Re-pointing the water table coping stones at the verge.
Raking out & re-pointing failed mortar which has been causing rising damp and mould inside the property.
Re-pointing the failed mortar.
Downpipe & rain water drain clearance plus moss removal.
Gutter & outlet clearance
Repairs to the perished bitumen under felt, which had been causing water ingress, using breathable membrane pitched roof underlay.
Replacement of dilapidated cast iron guttering using newly refurbished lengths.
Ridge tiles re-bedded & pointed.
Lifting, re-bedding & re-pointing the decorative ceramic ridge tiles.
Gutter clearance/inspection.
Sealing the flat roof area using GRP.
Pebble dash rendering of the parapet wall & gable end brick work.
Re-fixing the tiles, lead soakers & flashings. Removal of the old render, lifting the parapet wall coping stones & preparation of the flat roof area.
Repairs to perished/missing bitumen under felt using breathable membrane pitched roof underlay & eaves felt support trays.
Stripping out the tiles, lath battens & perished bitumen under felt at the eaves. Installation of new breathable membrane pitched roof underlay & eaves felt support trays. Preparing & re-lining the concrete gutter using GRP. Re-fixing the lath battens & tiles replacing any that were damaged or broken,
Re-pointing of failed mortar at the water table coping stones on the verge.